Phase-Out Business Accounts

Carefully manage the phase-out of the Business Accounts (SME Business), as part of a strategic alignment, based on the proposed scenario (1-year period to avoid loss of fidelity premium).
Potential Acquisition of a Belgian Savings Accounts Portfolio

Perform part of the due diligence on a Belgian Savings Accounts Portfolio offered on the market. Purpose was to assess the Operations and IT impact of a potential acquisition and to draft and negotiate an optimal operational transaction plan as part of the envisaged Asset Purchase Agreement (APA).
Carve-out pension savings accounts and securities and TAK21 portfolios

Participate in the final preparations of the Asset Purchase Agreement (APA) with the buyer, to make sure the carve-out and transfer of funds and bonds investment portfolios and pension savings accounts (PSA) can be executed and to start the preparations for the execution on the seller’s side. The assignment was extended with managing the execution […]
Strategic alignment – products and segments

Investigate the alignment of products offered and customer segments serviced with the client’s newly defined strategy map. Prepare action plans and project plans to perform rationalizations decided upon.
Compliance Framework

Draw-up a multi-dimensional picture of the current compliance framework with reference to legislation, policies, processes, data storage, roles and responsibilities, systems etc.
Core banking system upgrade

To be able to integrate easily standard vendor solutions the coming years, to be able to benefit (cost reduction) from a global private cloud solution and to prepare for the future, it was important to perform system life cycle management and to migrate to Thaler 3.2.
Core banking system migration

Migrating a Belgian retail savings and investments direct bank to the latest available version of the Thaler NG core banking system (3.1), while removing historic customizations as much as possible (stick to the standard). A new account opening process (AOP), secure site (B2C) and back-office system (B2O) were implemented and updated processes and work instructions […]
Launch of direct bank operations

Setup of the operations for a retail internet savings bank aimed at the German market.
Integration of a direct bank in the Dutch mother entity

Lead the integration in the mother entity of a direct bank for the SME market in The Netherlands and manage “IT and Operations” till the end of the winding down.
New business operating model

Assist the finance and controlling departments with the implementation of a new business operating model for corporate customers, with outsourcing from Belgium to Ireland, including the implementation of a new system and data migration.