Potential Acquisition of a Belgian Savings Accounts Portfolio

Global banking group

Perform part of the due diligence on a Belgian Savings Accounts Portfolio offered on the market. Purpose was to assess the Operations and IT impact of a potential acquisition and to draft and negotiate an optimal operational transaction plan as part of the envisaged Asset Purchase Agreement (APA).


  • Perform an in-depth due diligence on Operations and IT
  • Ensure all Operations and IT matters are known and clear upfront and included in the APA
  • Define a workable and attractive operational transaction plan


  • Analysis of portfolio data and other information provided via the data room
  • Additional questions to the target and follow-up of answers
  • Analysis of options with IT Delivery Manager, Core Banking System vendor, Security Officer, COO and Legal and Compliance Officers
  • Invention of a proposal for a speedy and smooth initial integration based on a restricted re-use of the authentication data and BIN migration, which also included the solution for a tax issue (accrued interest treatment)
  • Design of an operational transaction plan, gathering of internal validation and presentation to target
  • Assess initially proposed draft Asset Purchase Agreement
  • Liaise with other teams (e.g. tax, risk management, legal and compliance audit, treasury) and draft an overall business case/project plan and list of remarks to be included in the APA (risks, reps and warranties, penalties)


  • In-depth due diligence on Operations and IT
  • Input for APA ready in terms of Operations and IT
  • Contribution to the overall business case
  • Target was pleased with the proposed operational transaction plan, which made the deal more attractive for both sides

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