Enhancements and upgrades

Dutch SME direct bank

Overall programme management, test management and business analysis to further enhance, develop and upgrade a direct bank for the SME market in The Netherlands.


  • Release enhancements and upgrades in time to stay relevant and compliant
  • Innovative integrations
  • Strict legal and compliance deadlines


  • Planning, managing and implementing all changes in all its dimensions (system, processes, organization, change management) with internal and external stakeholders and suppliers
  • Implementation of new products: term deposit with flexible maturity, loan options
  • Implementation of new functionality: iDEAL issuing, SEPA CT in/out, SEPA Direct Debit in, integration with accounting packages (Reeleezee, Asperion and Exact) for easy processing of payments and postings, scanning, central client view, preparations for online real-time balance authorization of payments and various developments aimed at operational excellence
  • Implementation of new legal and regulatory requirements: Payment Services Directive, “Handelsregisterwet”, “Wet Personenvennootschappen”, AML (OFAC/EU screening and transaction monitoring), CDD policy and EMV Debit Cards


  • Successful releases according to plan

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