SFDR RTS and EU-Taxonomy – Increasing transparency on the sustainability of investments – June 2022-June 2024

Taking over the SFDR epic owner role on the project in order to deliver the project in a timely and qualitative manner. Supporting the EU’s Green Deal The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is a pivotal component of the EU’s Green Deal, aimed at transitioning capital flows towards sustainable investments to achieve carbon neutrality by […]

Taking over the PRIIPS epic owner role on the project in order to deliver the project in a timely and qualitative manner. PRIIPs stands for Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products, which are investment products that retail investors can buy. The PRIIPs Regulation is a European Union regulation that aims to provide retail investors with […]
New Post Logon website

Take the Product Owner role for the Post Logon website (secure website) of a Belgian retail savings direct bank.
Carve-out pension savings accounts and securities and TAK21 portfolios

Participate in the final preparations of the Asset Purchase Agreement (APA) with the buyer, to make sure the carve-out and transfer of funds and bonds investment portfolios and pension savings accounts (PSA) can be executed and to start the preparations for the execution on the seller’s side. The assignment was extended with managing the execution […]
Strategic alignment – products and segments

Investigate the alignment of products offered and customer segments serviced with the client’s newly defined strategy map. Prepare action plans and project plans to perform rationalizations decided upon.
Core banking system upgrade

To be able to integrate easily standard vendor solutions the coming years, to be able to benefit (cost reduction) from a global private cloud solution and to prepare for the future, it was important to perform system life cycle management and to migrate to Thaler 3.2.
Core banking system migration

Migrating a Belgian retail savings and investments direct bank to the latest available version of the Thaler NG core banking system (3.1), while removing historic customizations as much as possible (stick to the standard). A new account opening process (AOP), secure site (B2C) and back-office system (B2O) were implemented and updated processes and work instructions […]
Implementation of the EXIMIUS wealth management platform

Implementation of EXIMIUS (a multichannel, multi-entity, multi-device software platform that automates and brings unprecedented efficiency to wealth managers’ day-to-day tasks, such as portfolio analysis, risk and regulatory compliance, client reporting, order management and rebalancing, alerting, monitoring, performance measurement, and attribution. The solution is designed to manage the entire client life cycle, from prospecting through onboarding, […]
Financial Markets – Value Chain Management (BeNe) – Finance

The “Financial Markets – Value Chain Management (BeNe)” programme was aimed at alignment and integration of finance activities regarding financial markets operations in Belgium and The Netherlands.
Implementation of Repos on the SimCorp Dimension platform

Implementation of Repurchase Agreements (Repos) on the SimCorp Dimension platform based on SWIFT messaging, including user training.